Tuesday 27 August 2013

Raw Vanilla Bean Coconut Yogurt

Before I went vegan I really loved yogurt. And Australia doesn't have too much to offer in the way of dairy free yogurts that aren't full of nasty additives, refined sugars, and don't cost double what they should! Yogurt is such an easy thing to make, even dairy free, it just needs a little more thinking. I have been trying to get a recipe for an organic soy yogurt right, but in the mean time i have come up with this. Its SO nutrient dense, SO yummy, and being all raw and vegan friendly, totally guilt free!

Raw Vanilla Bean Coconut Yogurt

1 serving

  • 1 cup young thai coconut flesh (this was 2 coconuts for me)
  • 1/4 cup coconut water (more or less for a thicker or thinner yogurt)
  • 1/2 a vanilla bean
  • a big spoonful of a superfood powder (I used lucuma)
  • contents of 2 probiotic capsules (these must be live cultures, not the shelf stable kind)
* To make a larger qty, i used 6 coconuts, just enough coconut water to blend, and 5 probiotic capsules (when making more, you actually need less. Too much bacteria will have the same effect as not using enough.)
  1. Scrape the seeds from your vanilla bean, and add them to a blender with all other ingredients.
  2. Blend until smooth.
  3. Pour into a jar, or bowl (with no lid)
  4. Place a tea towel over the top of the jar or bowl so it is covered lightly and air can still get too it. The yogurt will need to be kept in a warm place overnight (around 8-10 hours, though a few more will still be fine). If it is cold where you are, get creative to make an incubator. A closed oven with the light on (no heat, just light) will work. My oven light is broken, so i used a slow cooker/crock pot that i had pre-heated and then placed my jar inside, wrapped in a towel.
  5. In the morning (or 8 hours later) your raw coconut yogurt is ready!

For a little extra sweetener and flavour, a spoopfull (or more!) of maple syrup before fermentation makes this even more delicious!


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